What Almost Losing My Foot Taught Me

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I rolled over on the gurney and the doc said we have to admit you into the hospital. I said, no chance! Stitch it up and let me go. He looked me in the eyes & said, “You’ll be lucky if you keep your foot, right now I’m trying to save your life”.

A little weekend away in paradise turned into almost a life ending event when I fell off a paddle board and got a small reef embedded in the bone 2.5 inches into my left foot.

Being a foreign object it quickly got infected and put me on a 3-week journey involving a lot of pain, suffering & enlightenment.

I can honestly say I have taken “life” a little for granted. As I think most of us do. We don’t recognize how much we actually appreciate being able to walk on both feet until that is taken away from us.

We don’t cherish those moments with family & loved ones, until those moments are gone.

Laying in that hospital bed with the team of 6 doctors trying to decide how to save my foot definitely brought it all into perspective.

Luckily I had several of my loved ones right there with me for support, strength & to keep me looking on the optimistic side.

In the end the doctors saved my foot, and I will be back up and walking on both feet in the next couple of weeks. (Crutch bound for a while) ☹

But here is the life lesson I took away from that.

1. Be sure to enjoy the little things often.
2. Take Care Of Yourself. (Having lots of money is only important if you are alive to spend it).
3. Create more time & freedom to do what I want with those I love as a top priority.

I think we all want these things to some degree. The problem is how many of us actively pursue them. I know I didn’t.

Now this part may be different depending on what type of business you are in, but for me I don’t have to pound the pavement. And I am making sure I do less work now, and more time doing the things that make me happy. (Like I just planned a 5 month long 5 city trip to explore).

Only way I could do that is having my business set up in a way to generate leads & income automatically. (Which is what I have done).

The lead generation part is pretty easy & can work the same for almost everyone.

I use a strategy called the “One-Day Summit Formula”. It quickly lets me grow my list with QUALITY subscribers who then turn into happy customers. Best part of it there is a strategy called the “Ever-Summit” which turns it on automated forever.

It’s super easy, and one of the most effective strategies I’ve ever used. I put together a simple “One-Day Summit Formula Starter Guide” with worksheets. That way anyone who wants to use it can.

Just click here to grab it for free.

One-Day Summit Starter Guide

In the end, I had an AWESOME team of medical doctors working very hard to help me. I am not going to take this situation for granted. I am using it as a wake up call to live & love fully right now while I can.

As so many of us have experienced in our life, it’s not guaranteed and it’s often shorter than any one would wish.

If you want to come join me on this goal of setting up your life & business so that you can enjoy more of the life and less of the work, then I challenge you to start off with your very own One-Day Summit!

Before you know it you will be enjoying life freely as well!!

Just remember It’s Scale Or Fail & The Choice Is Yours!
Dr. Mark T Wade

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