Sipping Pina Coladas In The Caribeean

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As the water sifted in and out from under my feet, I took a small sip of my drink & watched as the sun began to set behind the Caribbean waters. The pink, purples, reds, & orange dancing off the clouds in the sky, without a single worry in the world.

That’s when I thought to myself. I can’t believe this is my life.

It wasn’t always like this. I have gone through many ups and downs. I have had periods of my life where I had to donate plasma just to have food to eat. I have had days of skipping meals or eating 40-cent pasta.   Having holes in my shoes, and buying shirts from a used clothing store.

Although I don’t want to go back to that those times, they were some of the defining moments in my life. You know the kind where no one believes in you, & everyone is calling you crazy.

So much so that you start to wonder if they are right. Are you crazy? Is this idea, this vision you have just a dream of a crazy person?

I would say that depends. It depends on how bad you want that dream. It depends if you are willing to stop listening to those “Nay-Sayers” and focus that energy & that skepticism into your work.

Are you willing to sacrifice right now some of those comforts that others are enjoying, to pass up on the easy way out & to double down on what’s tough and difficult?

In other words “Do You Believe In You”?

I’m going to go on a limb here and say you probably do. And because of that I want you to know from someone who has absolutely walked a mile in your shoes, that YOU CAN DO IT!!

That dream can become a reality. That vision can become a mission. Those snickering voices will eventually become chants of praise and envy.

You can do this.

It will not be easy. It will not be overnight. It will not be handed to you on a silver platter. But you already knew that.

But if you work hard now, put in those difficult moments now, then later you will be living a life that only “the crazy ones” get the opportunity to enjoy.

Here’s what you can do to speed up this process & get to the glory quicker.

  1. Find a few others who are also working on a dream bigger than their selves. (Surround yourself with like-minded people, not small-minded people).  You need support from others who will build you up, not tear you down.
  2. Set goals. Both short & medium. Then celebrate the win, after you accomplish them. This reinforces & rewards the hard work, which will help to keep you motivated for more hard work.
  3. Build a platform; connect with an audience & Solver their problem.

This last one is probably the most important aspect.

You must have an audience if you want success.

Doesn’t matter if you are just getting started, or have nothing to sell.   You can begin building an audience simply by talking about that vision you have.

You can solve their problems just as simply by offering advice or solutions to their challenges.

You can do all of this very simply through a process I have used to build 6, 7 & multi-7 figure businesses in a variety of different industries.

I call it the One-Day Summit Formula. Pick a problem, solve it in a day, & give your best advice/information away for free.

This will build you a tribe of raving fans very quickly. It will help you scale your business to that next level in the blink of an eye.

If you need help setting it up I have a FREE course here you can have. It will show you exactly how to set up your own One-Day Summit (in less than 30 days!!).


Suffering, struggle, challenges that is a part of the journey. It’s paying the dues for becoming legendary.

But it doesn’t need to be forever, or even longer than necessary.   I’ve been there, where you are. I’ve failed, & struggled, and cried, & wanted to give up.

I am glad I didn’t. Now as I enjoy my home in the Caribbean, where every day feels like paradise, I think back on those harder times.

Now I eat gourmet meals prepared by a chef. My shoes don’t have holes in them.

I no longer have to donate plasma to eat, and I don’t have to worry about money.

I enjoy most evenings watching the sunset over the Caribbean waters, reflecting on life, & what I am thankful for.

I know how difficult it can be, but I also know you can do it. Don’t give up.

Work hard, & hopefully one day you and I will be watching the same sunset, appreciating similar things, and enjoying success.

Remember it’s Scale Or Fail & the Choice Is Yours.

Hustle Hard & Scale Big
Dr. Mark T Wade

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About Dr. Mark T Wade:
Dr. Mark T Wade having 2 doctorates went from a brick & mortar clinic to online multi-million dollar education business in the health space.   He has created a top rated podcast, a sold out mastermind for entrepreneurs featuring the likes of John Lee Dumas, Pat Flynn, Lewis Howes & Jeff Walker, & a one of a kind SAAS company called Virtual Summits Software.

With his brand Dr. Mark helps entrepreneurs scale their side hustles with a technique called the One-Day Summit Formula.  The same strategy he used to build that multi million-dollar business in the health space.  (Still a success today:  American Posture Institute).  It’s one of the top list building techniques available & it even works for beginners and brick & mortar businesses.

Dr. Mark has expert insights on going from side hustle to success, losing a million dollar business – the lessons learned, but his most popular message for most audiences come from the list building strategy that has helped thousands kick start, launch & grow their businesses (valid for any industry or niche).

Read More Here:  The Full Story

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